
Unify Viz - Sleek charts for Figma and React

Austin McDaniel
Nov 30, 2023
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We are thrilled to announce the launch of Unify Viz. Prepare to revolutionize the way you analyze data with this feature-rich library of 300+ charts for Figma and React.

What is Unify Viz?

Unify Viz is a comprehensive set of Figma components and React code assets that empower users to effortlessly design and develop captivating data visualizations. It offers a vast selection of more than 300 chart combinations, ensuring that you will consistently discover the ideal graphic representation for your data. Additionally, Unify Viz is continuously updated with new chart options, providing you with an ever-expanding library of possibilities to enhance your data storytelling.

What sets Unify Viz apart?

While there are numerous Figma and React component libraries available, few offer both design assets and matching code. This often creates friction during the handoff process, as charts can be challenging to design and build with all their intricacies. With Unify Viz, your designer can simply copy and paste the component, adjust labels and colors, and share the code link with the developer. It's as simple as that! Every chart includes a corresponding Figma design and code sample for easy implementation.

What's included in Unify Viz?

  • We offer a comprehensive collection of 17 Base Charts, each catering to different data visualization needs. These include an Area Chart, Line Chart, Bar Chart, Pie Chart, Donut Chart, Sankey Plot, Bubble Plot, Funnel Chart, Heatmap, Gauges, Map, Meter, Radial, Scatter, Sparklines, Treemap and Venn Diagram.
  • In addition to the extensive range of Base Charts, we also provide an impressive selection of 300 Variations of these charts. This ensures that you have ample options to customize and tailor your visualizations to suit your specific requirements.
  • To enhance your design workflow, our package includes ready-to-use Figma Components. These components are designed to seamlessly integrate with your Figma projects and enable quick and efficient chart creation.
  • For developers using React, we offer a handy set of React Component Snippets. These snippets simplify the process of integrating our charts into your React applications, saving you valuable time and effort.
  • As part of our commitment to continuously enhance our offering, we provide free monthly updates. These updates include new charts, feature improvements, and bug fixes, ensuring that you always have access to the latest and greatest in data visualization.
  • For those seeking additional assistance, we offer optional support and consulting services. Our team of experts is available to provide guidance, answer questions, and help you maximize the value of our charts in your projects.
  • To cater to a wide range of app styles and preferences, our charts are available in both Light and Dark Color Schemes. Each scheme offers a diverse palette of colors, allowing you to find the perfect match for your app's visual identity.

Why did we create Unify Viz?

At Good Code, we work with customers of all sizes and have found that while there are many resources available, they often require additional assembly. This can be frustrating for developers who are just starting out or don't have time to build complex charts from scratch. We wanted to simplify the process by making it as easy as copy and paste. That's why we call it Unify – because we are unifying the design and development of data visualizations!

How can you get Unify Viz?

We launched the product today at You can purchase it as a bundle or choose between Figma or VS Code versions. If you buy it and share the news with your friends, you can also sign up for our affiliate program at to earn some money. We hope you enjoy the package, and stay tuned for more amazing charts in future updates!

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