
Tesla's Yoke Controversy and the Underlying Issues in Tech Leadership

Dec 05, 2023
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Enough has been said about Tesla’s yoke steering wheel and Elon Musk’s relentless defense of it’s flawed design despite increasing criticism and safety concerns. When an obviously flawed design becomes the center of internet discourse, I often see designers, particularly those seeking visibility and clout on platforms like Twitter (or whatever it’s called now), eagerly joining the fervor with the hopes of having the next best “hot take”.

When the fixation remains on tearing down individual design elements these conversations become cyclical and we lose sight of more significant discussions to be had about what the decision to ignore criticism, constraints, and safety by a company touted as an industry leader means for the trajectory of technological innovation. What does it mean when those striving to establish themselves as tech leaders are comfortable delivering something of inferior quality, potentially posing harm to their customers? It's crucial to step back and maintain a holistic perspective, recognizing the broader implications of design decisions beyond the immediate controversy.

The Defense of Bad Design

In a stark display of hubris, Musk has adamantly refused to concede to any criticism or address safety and usability concerns surrounding the yoke. His unwavering support not only perpetuates a suboptimal design choice but also reveals a troubling pattern of leadership that prioritizes personal convictions, ego, and image over user safety and industry standards.

The Tesla yoke controversy serves as a poignant illustration of how a leader's influence can significantly impact the trajectory of technological innovation. Musk's public defense inadvertently communicates that dismissing valid criticism and neglecting established safety norms are acceptable practices. When leaders exhibit a lack of humility and an unwillingness to admit error, they propagate a harmful notion of what it means to be a strong leader.

Effective leadership is paramount in guiding industries toward progress. When leadership staunchly defends flawed design choices, it not only hinders innovation but also jeopardizes consumer trust. The perils of poor leadership in design extend beyond the immediate product, influencing the industry's reputation, eroding user trust, impeding the potential for genuine advancements, and showcasing a lack of accountability. As we navigate the ever-evolving landscape of technology, it is imperative to scrutinize not only the design choices themselves but also the guiding principles of leadership behind those decisions. A commitment to acknowledging flaws, prioritizing user safety, and fostering a culture of continuous improvement is indispensable for sustainable progress in design and technology.

Differentiation Over Innovation

The inclination to focus on altering something as practical and functional as a steering wheel reveals a deeper issue in the tech industry—a drive to differentiate for the sake of being different. Some might label this as innovation for the sake of innovation, but the reality is that there's nothing truly innovative about it. What's even more concerning is that the desire for distinctiveness can become a distraction, leading to a misdirected focus on the wrong problems.

In the case of Tesla, this distraction becomes evident when considering the company's primary objective—to offer a truly autonomous vehicle. Considering that this aspiration that still seems distant, why divert attention to the steering wheel when there are far more pressing concerns to address?

While acknowledging that the yoke may be suitable once the car can drive itself, the decision to incorporate a steering wheel better suited for autonomous vehicles into a non-autonomous setting sidesteps the fundamental constraint—the imperative for drivers to feel at ease and proficient on the road. For what purpose? Is it merely to be different, to pursue something deemed "cool"?

Even more disconcerting is the question of why leadership approved moving forward with a design that evidently hampers the essential task of driving safely, as reported by numerous drivers who have used the yoke. At a bare minimum, a person with a position that holds as much influence and power as Musk at Tesla should possess the foresight to recognize and rectify glaring inadequacies in a product. In what seems to be a choice favoring aesthetics at the expense of functionality, Musk fails to take accountability for the decision to introduce an inadequate design into the marketplace, leaving consumers to grapple with the consequences.

The Myth of the Tech Industry Genius

While my attention has predominantly centered on the steering wheel, it’s worth noting that Tesla’s issues extend far beyond this singular component into a larger tapestry of problems reported by Tesla owners. From subpar service experiences and software glitches to autopilot failures, Tesla falls considerably short of being the most reliable car on the road. This raises a perplexing question: why does Tesla and by extension Musk, have such a dedicated fan base? This leads me to a final, overarching observation—the perpetuation of the myth of the tech industry genius.

Elon Musk has cultivated a fervent following, particularly among a demographic I perceive to be largely young men, who often extol him as a "genius." They are loyal following, unwilling to be critical of Musk’s decisions, actions, or statements. In fact the more controversy he creates the more they seem to double down on their admiration for him. Observing someone like Musk persistently making divisive and offensive statements, executing asinine business decisions, and engaging in ethically questionable actions—all conveniently defended as "genius”—is not surprising or perplexing; rather, it sadly aligns with the prevailing norm.

The issue extends beyond Musk; there is a roster of CEOs and tech leaders involved in flagrantly unethical business practices, fostering toxic work environments, and compromising user trust, all while being applauded for their success and hailed as inspiring leaders. Take Mark Zuckerberg and Facebook, for instance, where the company has faced significant backlash for mishandling user data, deploying algorithms that contribute to the spread of misinformation, and intentionally contributing to polarization for financial gains. Jeff Bezos and Amazon presents another illustration, a company that has been repeated caught mistreating and exploiting its workers.

Whoa, hold up wait a second, weren’t we just talking about a steering wheel? Yeah, we were but look at where we’ve arrived. The steering wheel controversy is just a small piece in the larger conversation that the tech industry needs to have about who we choose to anoint as innovation and thought leaders.

My argument is this, if we would shift our critical focus and the energy expended in generating countless articles, discussions, and those ubiquitous "hot takes," towards genuinely assessing our leaders and demanding accountability, the discourse might not revolve around a poorly designed steering wheel in the first place. If we stopped conflating hubris, arrogance, and privilege with genius, we would spend less time dissecting poorly conceived, ego-driven designs and unethical business practices. Perhaps we would even spend more time actually innovating while creating tangible value in the world.

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